LA CASA667...

LA CASA667...
A personalized welcome in a family atmosphere


1 double room (matrimonial) shared bathroom just outside the room. 80 Soles ($30 usd*) the room (with extra bed 90 Soles)


1 double room (matrimonial) shared bathroom just outside the room (smaller than TITICACA room) 70 Soles ($27 usd) the room


1 double room (matrimonial) shared bathroom (maller than TITICACA) 70 Soles ($27 usd) the room

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011

Again Number#1 in TRIPADVISOR, thank YOU!

Thanks to your reviews and your feedback, our Casa 667 is now featured as the best B&B over the 98 listed in TripAdvisor in Lima, Peru.
This is the a great gift we received! GRACIAS!!!

jueves, 21 de enero de 2010

YES, Here we go !

We are happy to announce the alliance between Dragonfly Hostels and Guest House Casa667, both are now owned by the same staff; Yann and Mabel.
We will soon have another service for housing to offer, apartment rental, we keep you update. Check our our website

martes, 22 de diciembre de 2009

Thank you ! We are already #1 of 55 B&Bs in Lima

We want say a warm Thank You to our guests who rated us in .
Thanks to your reviews, we are now rated #1 in Lima.
Your testimonies are base on facts, and we appreciate your feed back !

Of course, we will still receive our new guest as friends, as we always did.

So, again. GRACIAS !

Mabel, Yann and all the Casa667's staff

sábado, 19 de diciembre de 2009

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

The Lost Pyramids of Caral

The magnificent ancient city of pyramids at Caral in Peru hit the headlines in 2001. The site is a thousand years older than the earliest known civilisation in the Americas and, at 2,627 BC, is as old as the pyramids of Egypt. Many now believe it is the fabled missing link of archaeology - a mother city. If so, then these extraordinary findings could finally answer one of the great questions of archaeology: why did humans become civilised?

The mother of all cities

For over a century, archaeologists have been searching for what they call a mother city. Civilisation began in only six areas of the world: Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, China, Peru and Central America. In each of these regions people moved from small family units to build cities of thousands of people. They crossed the historic divide, one of the great moments in human history. Why? To find the answer archaeologists needed to find a mother city - the first stage of city-building.

El Qhapaq Ñan, "Camino Andino Principal"

Qhapaq Ñan, con mas de 6000 kilómetros de longitud, esta columna vertebral fue hábilmente construida por manos especialistas y puede ser comparada con la ruta de la seda en el este..
Este patrimonio arqueológico de gran valor aún existe y esta a un paso de su desaparición.. Nuestra expedición busca mostrar "el Gigante dormido" al público por primera vez y sacar a la luz los tópicos relacionados con el camino

martes, 1 de setiembre de 2009

How the Jungle Heals: Four Questions about Ayahuasca By Rebecca A. Kinman

Backpacking in Peru is not without its unplanned detours. In September of 2007, I found myself in a little circular hut in the San Martin district , sitting cross-legged with my eyes closed. I had just drank a cup of the mysterious tea most commonly known as ayahuasca. The jungle hissed and moaned around me and a frightening queasiness overwhelmed my body. Voices and musical melodies swirled around my ears as a woman approached me from behind. She gently touched my hips and light shot from her fingers and entered me rapidly. Purple, orange and magenta ribbons surrounded me. “Love yourself, love yourself” she chanted to me in a voice that both comforted and irritated me at the same time. I didn’t move. The nausea became unbearable and without warning, the contents of my stomach entered the bucket in front of me. I was in a higher state of bliss than I had ever been before.

What is Ayahuasca?

Ayahuasca, (eye-ah-WAH-skah), is a South-American plant-medicine mixture that consists of a vine called ayahuasca (b. caapi) and a leaf called chakruna (psychotria viridis). When cooked together, the two plants become ayahuasca, a Quechua word that means “vine of the soul”. If you travel to the Peruvian jungle, you will likely encounter someone who has heard of this powerful drink, or perhaps someone who has tried it.

Why do people drink ayahuasca?

There are many reasons to drink ayahuasca. For several centuries, tribes would participate in ayahuasca ceremonies to ward off evil spirits, bring good luck, and to heal all disease. More recently, curiosity about the medicine has gradually increased and ayahuasca has gained popularity among psychologists, botanists, anthropologists, spiritual explorers, people with serious illnesses, and adventurous travelers with a mind for the unusual. As a result, the medicine remains a traditional part of indigenous and meztizo culture while retreats, clinics and healing centers become increasingly common that cater to the needs of the western world.

But the main purpose of the vine is to facilitate deep recovery and healing. Issues such as depression, drug/alcohol addiction, skin and liver disorders, sexual dysfunction, and diseases that are otherwise mysterious and difficult to diagnose have all been successfully addressed with ayahuasca therapy. Stomach and intestinal parasites can also be quickly washed away by the cleansing effect of ayahuasca, and regular drinkers of ayahuasca are likely to maintain a general state of health, happiness and well-being in their bodies, work, families and communities.

What does it do?

It’s most popularly known as a hallucinogen. It can create powerful visions that often have deep personal meaning to the experiencer, and can thus bring the client to a deeper understanding of oneself and their cureent situation. It is used by shamen and healers as a tool for communicating with the spirit realms and a vessel for prayer. Used for centuries by folk-healers as a purgative and ruthless detoxifier, the medicine cleans the entire digestive system by sometimes inducing vomiting and diarrhea. There is almost always a feeling of uncomfortably or other negative emotions during an ayahuasca ceremony, but these feelings always subside, leaving the individual in a better state of health than before.

How can I find it?
It is advised by many to drink ayahuasca only with a trusted and experienced curandero, or shaman who has underwent the necessary training, or long-term dietas that prepare the facilitator to care for patients in an ayahuasca ceremony. Finding a legitimate facilitator can sometimes be tricky, but one can begin by asking trusted individuals for referrals and rely on one’s gut feelings before sitting in ceremony. You can always try a google search or write to the email address at the bottom of this article, but truthfully, if you are meant to journey with the vine of the soul, simply remain patient. The opportunity will surely come.

National Geographic
Interview: Alberto Ferrari Chavez, Tarapoto, Peru
Taki Wasi Institute

Rebecca A. Kinman is an American herbalist and writer who lives most of the year in Tarapoto, Peru where she apprentices maestro curandero Alberto Ferrari Chavez. She plans to return to the jungle for her third year in a row in December 2009 to serve as a translator and guide for those wishing to experience the long-term effects of ayahuasca and other powerful plants of the Peruvian Rainforest. She can be contacted at

lunes, 6 de abril de 2009

Surf in Lima

EN: In 15 min walking distance from the Casa667, you can enjoy a surf session. The waves are perfect and regular. Each one can enjoy, from the beginner to the experienced surfer. You can rent a board and have some lessons. Peru is one of the best destination for surfing, read this article from the NY Times "Riding the waves of Peru"
ES: A 15 min a pie de la Casa667, pueden disfrutar de una session de surf. Las olas son perfectas y regulares. Cada uno puede disfrutar, del surfista principiente al experimentado. Pueden alquilar una tabla y recibir unos cursos de surf. Peru es una de la mejores destiantion de surf, lea este articulo del NY Times  "Riding the waves of Peru"
FR: A 15 min à pied de la Casa667, vous pouvez profiter d'une session de surf. Les vagues sont parfaites et régulières. Chacun peut trouver son bonheur, du surfeur débutant au plus expérimenté. Vous pouvez louer une planche et prendre quelques leçons. Le Peru est une des meilleures destinations de surf, découvrez cet article du NY Times  "Riding the waves of Peru"

sábado, 28 de marzo de 2009

The highest train of Americas

EN: The highest train of America and the second highest of the World !
This trip is the most incredible way to meet the central highland Huancayo. You will pass 69 tunels, 58 bridges and 6 zigzags, from 0 meters of elevation in Lima, passing by La Galera over 4871 meters high then you arrive to Huancayo which is over 3250 meters, the distance is 535 km of lenght. More info
ES: El Tren mas alto de America y el segundo mas alto del mundo!
El viaje mas impresionante que se puede hacer en direccion a la Sierra central Huancayo.
Se pasa por 69 tuneles, 58 puentes y 6 zigzags, empezando de Lima a 0 metros, pasando por La Galera a 4871 m.s.n.m, luego llegando a Huancayo a 3250 m.s.n.m. en solo 535 km de extension. Info:
FR: Le plus haut train du continent Américain et le 2ième plus haut du monde ! 
Ce voyage est le moyen le plus incroyable pour rejoindre les hauts-plateaux du centre de Huancayo. Vous passerz 69 tunnels, 58 ponts and 6 zigzags. Du niveau de la mer à Lima, en passant par La Galera à 4871 mètres d'altitude, vous arriverez à huancayo qui est à plus de 3250 mètres. La distance parcourue est de 535 km. Plus d'infos

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2009

An alternative to the INCA TRAIL

EN: At this day, no booking are available for the INCA TRAIL before June 11th. Fortunatly, there are other alternative trails which are still very exciting for you to do, and certainly less crowded. Inca Trail to Machu Picchu via Llactapata (2days/1night). It's also shorter so it could be a good choice for those who don't feel hiking for 4 days. We found a rate at USD$295/person.. Send us a e-mail and we will forward you the complete itineray.
ES: A este dia, no hay lugar para el Camino Inca antes del 11 de junio. Pero existe  caminatas alternativas que quedan muy interesante para hacer. Como el Camino Inca via Llactapata (2 dias/1noche). Es mas corto entonces puede ser una buena alternativa por los que no quieren andar 4 dias. Encontremos un tarifa de USD$295/person..Envia nos a mail y le pasaremos todo el itinerario.
FR: A ce jour, il n' y a plus de place pour le Chemin Inca avant le 11 juin. Heureusement, il existe d'autres randonnées alternatives qui n'en sont pas moins passionnantes, et certainement moins bondées. Comme par exemple, le Chemin Inca via Llactapata (2 jour/1nuit). Il est aussi plus court, ce qui peut être un avantage pour ceux qui ne veulent pas marcher 4 jours de suite. Nous avons trouvé un tarif à $295/personne... Envoyez nous un mail et nous vous ferons suivre l'offre avec l'itinéraire complet.

jueves, 19 de marzo de 2009

Book your INCA TRAIL now for the high season

EN: The Inca trail is the famous 4 days hike ending in Machu Picchu. The acces is limited to 500 persons/day.
It can be tough to book a place during the high season. You should book it in advance to ensure you a reasonable rate and plan the best schedule for your trip.
We can do it for you, it's safe, easy and fast, just contact us by email
ES: El Camino Inca  es esta famosa caminata de 4 dias terminando en el Machu Picchu. El acceso esta limitato a 500 personas/dia.
Puede ser muy difficil de reservar durante la temporada alta. Aconsejamos de reservar con anticipacion para tener una tarifa rasonable y para que puedas planificar tu viaje.
Puedes reservar con nosotros, es seguro, facil y rapido, solo envianos un email
FR: Le Chemin Inca est cette fameuse randonnée de 4 jours se terminant au Machu Picchu. L'accès est limitée à 500 personnes par jour. Cela peut être difficile de réserver sa place durant la haute saison. Nous vous conseillons de réserver avec anticipation pour avoir un tarif raisonable et pouvoir organiser au mieux votre séjour au Pérou.
Nous pouvons le faire pour vous, c'est sûr, facile et rapide, envoyer nous votre demande par email

Geo au Pérou

EN: Discover Peru with the magazine GEO
ES : Descubre Peru con la revista de viaje de GEO
FR: Le magazine GEO vous emmène à la découverte du Pérou : Cliquez ici

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2009

Damaris - Tusuy Kusum

They sing in Quechua, building a bridge between modern and traditional Peruvian music

sábado, 7 de marzo de 2009

Holy fridge !

EN: Like all the rooms of Casa667, the fridge is shared. You can use it at your convinience to stock your food. You will also find some fresh drinks at very affordable prices (prices in Soles, actual change is 3.2 soles = 1 $USD)
ES: Como todos los lugares de la Casa667, la nevera es compartida. La puedes usar a su gusto para guardar su comida. Encontraras tambien bebidas frescas a precios rasonables.
FR: Comme toutes les pièces de la Casa667, le firgo est partagé. Vous pouvez l'utiliser pour garder votre nourriture. Vous y trouverez des boissons fraîches à des prix très abordables.

Going to the Beach in Lima

EN: Going to the beach in Lima is very easy. Taking a bus or a taxi, you can also reach the south beaches like "Punta Hermosa" around Km 44 in the Panamericana highway.
ES: Ir a la playa en Lima es muy facil. Tomando un bus o un taxi, puedes ir hasta las playas al sur de Lima como "Punta Hermosa" cerca del Km 44 de la Panamericana.
FR: Aller à la plage depuis Lima est très facile. Il suffit de prendre un bus ou un taxi qui vont jusqu'aux plages au sud de Lima, comme "Punta Hermosa" aux alentours du Km 44 de la Panamericana. 

Livre d'Or / GuestBook

Add your testimony :

or send it by mail at

Scroll down this page to see some testimonies or check it on

14/08/2010 Erik and Michelle (USA)

We had a wounderful time in Lima . The accomodations were wonderful and the hosts were fantastic we will definetely come back again to stay here again..
Muchas Gracias !!!
Erick & Michelle ..

10/08/2010 Evelyne et Gérard (Nîmes France)

Comme à l'aller, le retour chez Mabel est toujours un plaisir.. A l'écoute de nos besoins, une vrai gentillesse..
On se sent comme chez nous..

31/07/2010 Nicolas, Stephane, Fréderic (France)

Un accueil chaleureux, vrai, comme à la maison. Un grand merci a Adelaida et ISabela pour leur gentillesse, leur sourire et leur aide tout au long du séjour.

29/07/2010 Lauren (Belgium)


Vuestra casa es muy agradable y vosotros sois muy acogedoras! Aquí estoy bien, como a casa! Quiero mucho volver a Perú (espero más que una vez!) y cada vez que veniré a Lima, volveré a la casa 667 J ¡Voy a practicar un poco mi español en francia para no olvidar todo, pero el mejor es… VOLVER AQUÍ LO MÁS PRONO POSIBLE!!


Y viva el Perú

24/07/2010 Kelly and Mark (USA)

We just want to say thank you for your hospitality. You have made us feel very welcome, and have been very helpful with directions and suggestions of where to go. We will definitely be recconmending you to other travellers!!!
Best wishes!!
kelly and Mark...

23/07/2010 Katie and David (USA)

Muchas gracias para su ayuda, las camas comodas y todo! Las fuentes en ese centro de lima son increíbles- y los hemos visto gracias a su recomendación.

Your hospitality made our brief time in Lima quite wonderful. We are happy to have began and ended our trip at Casa667. Love..

19/07/2010 Linda, Mike Stuart (USA)

Thank you for making our stay so wounderful. You made us feel at home! we enjoyed our stay tremendously...
love... .

13/07/2010 Melissa (Arizona, USA)

My Stay in Casa 667!
To my new friends in MIraflores Peru!
Thank you so much for everything I loved how welcome you made me feel and how loving you guys were, after traveling with such a large group for about 6 weeks. I was a little scared of being on my own for this las week. I wasn't sure what to do with my time here in lima all by myself but now that it's my last day here I can not believe how fast it went. I almost wished I had more time here just because I loved how relaxed I felt here. I specially love the weather here compared to where I live in Arizona.because it's about 115ºF (about 45ºC) there! ha ha!
I loved staying here especially because you made me feel comfortable and showed me aroud so much!
Thank you Mabel for letting me switch that was so thoughtful and caring of you for thinking of me in that way! I really appreciate all that you have done for me! to Isabel! Thank you for showing me around and becoming such a great friend to talk to. Thank for taking me that picture of me pointing to my School's name and of course the CHURROS!!
I can not wait to talk to you guys while I am in the USA. I hope that you all come to arizona some day to visit.
To Adelaida.. muchas gracias por todo me encanta su casa y su Hospitalidad espero volver algun dia en el futuro!
Thank you I truly enjoyed my stay here in Miraflores I hope to see you all again someday. Thank you for making my last day in Peru the most enjoyable and relaxing week I have ever had in my life! I whish i could stay here longer just because of how happy you all have made me while staying here.
Thanks for helping me with my español! hopefully I will someday became fluent both in french an spanish. I hope that great and amazing things come in the future for you all! Buena suerte and hope se you all soon either here in Lima or in the United states! Muchas gracias !!!
Melissa Tran.
Imanginations Inc, Peru Summer 2010 1st session..

12/06/2010 Rona, Joe and Dave (Melbourne, Australia)

We had a wounderful time here, it is so homey and lovely,
Thank you for letting us stay. We had a fantastic time in Peru.

06/07/2010 Anna and Craig (UK)

Thank you very much for all your help and advice, we had a lovely first experience of Peru staying whit you!
Thanks for staying up til 1am t let us in and for teaching us a bit more espanol + even a bit of french!! With love...

25/06/2010 Jamie Foster (Wisconsin USA)

He disfrutado muchisimo mi tiempo en casa 667. Es parecido a estar en casa propia, Muchas gracias Doña Adelaida e Isabel por todo que hizo por mi, han hecho mi visita a Lima muy agradable, Esta vez me acordaré de entregarle la llave.

20/06/2010 Philippe Pollet (Montreal, Canada)

Merci pour votre charmante hospitalité durant ces 6 jours passés chez vous.
Vos tamales sont excellents et je reviendrais rien que pour eux...
Mais je reviendrais plutôt quand il fera moins froid!...
le climat ne sera pas quand même un obstacle..
Merci encore et a bientot peut-être..

16/06/2010 Michael and Margaret (California USA)

Our Stay was great! Everyone at Casa 667 are incredible friendly and do an amazing job and truly making you feel at home
I recommend this place to everyone visiting Peru.
I enjoyed staying up and spending time together talking and watching TV, Thanks for everything!

10/06/2010 Cristina y Michael (Barcelona y Alemania)

Muchisimas gracias por la amabilidad y hospitalidad, nos han tratado como a uno más de la familia. J

Si alguna vez volvemos a Lima, seguro que volveremos a la casa 667.

08/06/2010 Marc (France)

Lima, ville tout aussi inquiétante qu'excitante..
Lima, ville aux cultures les plus rêveuses comme les plus dures..
Il est bon de se retrouver "un peu comme chez soit", une ambiance familiale chaleureuse et simple.
Arriver a Lima en passant par la Casa 667 m'a réchauffer un peu plus le coeur, prêt désormais à affronter la jungle urbaine.
Muchas gracias Marc..

29/05/2010 Oanh, Dang, Quang (Michigan, USA)

Thanks for your hospitality! and getting up so early to prepare breakfast for us! we had a lovely time, hope to see you again.

27/05/2010 Philipp (Germany)

Dear Mabel Isabel and señora Blas,
thanks for the wonderful time I had at casa 667. it was more just at stay at a B&B for me, it left like home stay with friends..
I hope I can be back to Peru soon and if you happen to be in Europe,
please make sure to send me a mail.
Thank you very much .. Nos vemos! Un beso y un abrazo,
Philipp V.

23/05/2010 Bhavin and Prity (USA)

Thank you very much for opening your house to stay for the night. We had a very enjoyable time and loved our stay here, it was a lot of fun and talking to you guys Thanks! Bhavi & Prity.

10/05/2010 Amalia (Mexico)

Dejo tu pais tu casa tu familia y la cultura peruana , la comida peruana, todo me encanto me voy facinada. gracias por todo que Dios te bendiga .
Vuelvo pronto .... Amely, Cuernavaca

10/05/2010 Yolanda (Mexico)

Gracias Adelaida por todas tus atenciones, me he sentido como en casa, me gusto mucho tu pais es muy bonito tiene mucha cultura, espero regresar pronto con mis hijos, y ya sabes que tienes una amiga en mexico y una casa en Cuernavaca que te va agustar te esperamos pronto te quiero Bye..

04/05/2010 Angela and Terry (Perth, Western Australia)

Thank you for being so welcoming to us. It has made our stay in lima all the better ! thank you to Isabel for translating our bad Spanish ! Also thank you for organising taxis, and all the tips and recommendations , We hope to see you in Australia next year.. :)
Muchos gracias!

28/04/2010 Tatsiana (USA)

We had such a great experience at this place!Very warm ans sweet.
If you want to be met as a part of our family in the middle of the night , you need to put home N.667on your list to stay in lima.
Thank you so much for being so helpful to us and taking care of us all the time!!!

26/04/2010 Lucy (England)

Thank you so much for having me to stay in this lovely B&B... I definitely felt like a home away from home!
If I come back to Lima, Casa667 will be at the top of my list of places to stay. I will be recommending it to EVERYONE, back at home in the UK. Thanks again!

16/04/2010 Nicolas (Francia)

Un grand merci à tous, Yann, Mabel et sa maman pour leur acceuil chaleureux. Je me rajoute à la longue liste de tous ceux qui sont passés ici avant moi et qui se sont senti ici comme chez eux

04/03/2010 Anne-Marie (Nouméa)

Un grand merci à Mabel et sa mamam Adelaida pour leur gentillesse. J'étais comme chez moi et j'ai passé d'excellents moments en leur compagnie, bises et merci encore.
PS: ke recommande à Cuzco l'hostal Royal Frankestein.. marrant! bien situé et très calme pour dormir le matin, faites juste attention à Martin l'iguane!

02/03/2010 Guiomar

Gracias por una estancia tan agradable, sus sonrisas, calidez y dulzura nos han hecho sentir muy comodos. tanto por la ciudad como por ustedes, un placer haber visitado Lima, un abrazo

02/03/2010 Oskar

No hay nada mejor que al volver de recorrer la ciudad sentirse como en casa. el salon es verdaderamente acogedor y la gente no puede ser mas amable y cercana. Gracias por todo

23/02/2010 Isabel y Santiago (Argentina)

Para Adela y su hermosa familia. Es un verdadero placer haberlas conocido y haber gozado de su hospitalidad y calidez. Muchas gracias por todo, los esperamos en Argentina.

19/02/2010 Olivier (Francia)

Merci beaucoup pour cette acceuille famillial, beaucoup d'amour ca fait du bien et être reçu de cetter façon. Je vous souhaite tout le bonheur du monde a la famille de Mabel et que cette Casa667 plein de lumiere continue !!! Olivier

22/02/2010 Omar y Alicia (Argentina)

Gracias por vuestra calidez y todas las atenciones recibidas!! serán bienvenidos en nuestro hogar ! Mucho cariño para todos!

14/02/2010 Magdalena (england)

Muchas gracias por todo, me ha encantado estar aqui, conocer a todos vosotros incluyendo Monique, la madre de Yann, y ha hecho que mi tiempo en Lima ha sido super comodo y relajante. Espero veros de nuevo, aca en Europa. Si alguno de vosotros va a pasar por Inglaterra o España porfavor avisame para que pueda ayudar con lo que sea. Mucha suerte con Dragonfly Hostel, siento lo haberlo visto, estaba demasiado comoda en 667! Besos y abrazos, Magdalena

01/02/2010 Yiqi and Yixin (UK)

Thanks for inviting us into your family and letting us experience Lima as locals.

23/10/2009 Mar (España)

Muchas gracias por vuestra acogida en mi primer dia en Perú, Bonita casa, Mar

20/10/2009 Anne (Belgique)

Gracias (muchas) para todo. Avons passé une trés bonne nuits ici et qui sait, nous reviendrons un jour. Vamos a descubrir el Pérou, maravilloso pais! Gracias por vuestra acogida, una casa muy agradable.

07/10/2009 Pascale (France)

Gracias pour l'accueil, je suis ravie d'avoir commencé mi viaje à la Casa667. Merci Mabel pour tts les explications, Je t'envoie 1 dessin dès que c'est bon et peut-être mes bonnes infos... A bientôt. Pascale

11/09/2009 Zoubir et Bélen (Belgique)

Nous sommes heureux d'avoir commencé et terminé notre séjour au Perou à la Casa667.
Venus de Belgique, nous avons rencontré Mabel et Yann qui nous ont aidé a trouver quelques repères dans cette jungle urbaine qu'est Lima.
Avec Mabel, nous avons découvert des endroits agréables et surprenants comme "La Panchita" ou encore "La Mar" où nous nous sommes régalés. Ell nous a également orienté pour trouver rapidement une billeterie, un agent de change, un marché, etc. Nous avons reçu un avant-goût de la gentillesse et de l'hospitalité qui reigne au Pérou, ce qui était un très bon départ.
Après avoir déambullé dans le sud du Pérou, avons fait un trek dans les profondeurs du Canyon de Colca, avoir affronté le mal d'altitude à la Paz, avoir vu des paysages magnifiques défiler devant nous que ce soit à pied, en bateau, en bouggy, en avion, en train ou en rafting, avoir contemplé le Machu Picchu; c'est encore un plaisir de retomber à la Casa667 où nous pouvons nous reposer et faire calmement le bilan (plus que positif) de notre voyage avant de rentrer chez nous. Merci pour tout!! Zoubir et Bélen

07/09/2009 Serge (France)

Casa 667, Mabel et sa famille devraient faire parti des 7 merveilles du monde! Oubliez le Machu Picchu et prolonger votre séjour chez Mabel family!
Pisco, te voy a compartir con mis amigos
Pisco, avec toi je me sens plus beau
Pisco, why the hell do I have to go?..

07/09/2009: Caroline (France)

Genial empezar el viaje con vuestra casa!
gracias, muchisimas gracias para todo! ha sido un placer.
A Lima, le musée ethnologique de Pueblo Libre fabouleux pour ceux qui aiment ça.

21/08/2009 Scott S. (Columbus, USA)

"If you're looking for a clean, friendly and inexpensive place with simple charm and warm family feeling, then make sure to stay at Casa 667 on your next trip to Lima. It's in a safe and convenient walking location to whatever you would like to do in Miraflores. Working as a chef, my primary interest in travel is local food & drink exploration, and they were able to recommend many spots around Lima I can't wait to return to. I only wish I'd had more time to explore such an amazing food city. Also, I got to share in a few of the family meals and enjoy very good house pisco sours - A very special experience! Thanks guys for a great stay - I'll be back soon."
Scott S., Columbus, USA

28/07/2009 : Maya Rosen (USA)

Thank you so much for welcoming us into your home. It was a wonderful start and finish to our trip. You are the warmest, sweetest family. If you come to the U.S. you have a home!

06/08/2009 John (USA)

Thank you very much for everything, guys!
I felt like family from the moment I walked in the door and I have made good friends for life. I wish you the best of luck with all your future plans, Love, John
Some recommendations:
1. Do Not eat 3 soles ceviche from the market!!
2.Huaraz: La Brasa Roja is the best place to eat after a few days in the mountains. Huge menu, tremendous portions, not expensive, Can you handle the Super Brasa Roja Burger?
3.Huaraz: Cafe Andino, If you want an authentic Peruvian experience, do not go there BUT if you are looking for great coffee this is the place to go.
4.ITTSA buses: As good as Cruz del sur but cheaper

27/07/2009 Jonathan & Corie (USA)

Yann & Mabel,
You guys have been so much help to us whenever we pass through Lima. It's been great to have a friendly, clean place to come back to. Thanks for storing SO MANY of our bags for us as we toured southern Peru. We hope you guys enjoy continued success with the Casa667. Perhaps we'll run into you sometimes in the Western US. We'll be sure to look you up any time we're back in Peru. Much thanks.

27/07/2009 Keith (USA)

Mabel, Yann, Isabel, Adelaida,
Thank you for all your help and hospitality, Jamie, myself and friends had a wondeful time and your assistance made it so much easier. I will recommend Casa667 to anyone traveling to Peru. Thank you, Keith

22/07/2009 Cedric (Quebec, Canada)

Mon plus grand souvenir a été le trek dans le Canyon del Colca (3 jours 2 nuits 150Soles). Je me rappelerai toujours à qu'elle point je fut impressionné par les paysages. Sinon, un conseil ne vous enervez pas avec rien, ici ça peut parfois sembler chaotique pour ce qui est de l'organisation mais dite vous que tout c'est reglé très vite. C'est si facile de voyager ici I LOVE PEROU! but I have to quit :(...
A ne pas oublier la Casa 667, une ambiance chaleureuse et acceuillante.. Merci Mabel!

28/07/2009 : Debra (USA)

This has been one of the best places I have stayed at while traveling. You all are such a sweet and caring family. I will recommend this to everyone I know!
Thank you for everything !

17/07/2009 : Sandra and Menno (Holland)

We spent our stay in Lima at Casa 667. It is a cozy small hostel with very friendly environment.
Mabel and Yann who run the place are very helpful and informative.
They helped us a lot! Starting from booking our travel itinerary, arranging the taxis from and to the airport until providing all information that we need about Lima and Peru.
Thank you very much to make our stay in Lima comfortable :)
We really enjoyed our stay at Casa 667, and suggesting you to try to be their roommates in Casa 667 too!
Hugs, Sandra n Menno

14/07/2009 Ana Katrina (Slovenia)

Our friends we've met at Emilio's "EZAMA" hospedaje in Huaraz, recommended us CASA 667. We enjoy our stay here. It is very cosy atmosphere. Breakfast with cereal is a huge plus for me and free internet.

02/07/2009 Elizabeth (France)

Je vais quitter dans quelques heures ma famille adoptive !
Avec tristesse!
J'adore ma chambre, le quartier de Miraflores, les gateaux "Chez Antonio", le capuccino au "Haiti" et le festin d'Anticuchos a 'La Panchita"!
Besitos a todos!
J'espére revenir vous voir bien vite!

24/06/2009 Jessica (USA)

There's nothing like being welcomed by friends, a cup of coca tea, and a cold Cusqueno beer after a 15-hour flight to Lima. Casa 667 was truly a highlight of our Peru trip - Mabel and Yann were extremely accommodating and the house had a lot of local character. They knew all the fun(ky) spots in Miraflores and Barranco and had a broad and deep knowledge of Lima's nightlife, restaurants, and activities. Whether we wanted to shop at the local food market, eat the best ceviche in town, or go out to a trendy bar for pisco sours, they knew it all. Casa 667 arranged for taxis to/from the airport, helped us buy bus tickets, and suggested itineraries and hostels. Lima is a huge city, and it makes a difference to feel like you have your own "casa" to stay at, and friends to take you out. For anyone interested in discovering Lima with a local perspective - this is the place for you!
Jessica W.

06/06/2009 Gitte and Gurt (Denmark)

Excellent stay. We enjoy your company and kind help and advices. We recommand to all !
Gitte and Gurt

25/05/2009 : Jonathan (USA)

I stayed with the family here at casa 667 for 17 days, it was so nice i didnt want to leave. the family is very warm and intviting and i felt like i was at home from the moment i got there. Muchas gracias y vemos pronto! ¡Ciao!

03/04/2009 : Andrew (Canada)

Hola Casa 667 Family,
Just wanted to let you know I have arrived in Mexico City safely, and thanks to Yann's advice, I am being pamered in the First Class Lounge.
Thank you all once again for the great stay at Casa 667. Not only were the accomodations great, but everyone was so friendly and helpful. You constantly went above and beyond my expectations and made my stay in Lima very memorable.
I'll be sure to keep up with your blog and recommend you to anyone I know traveling to Lima.
Your friend from Canada,

29/03/2009 Rafal (Poland)

Wow Guys! Believe it’s impossible to describe it you have to experience it. The Casa 667 it’s the place you have to stay in Lima. Forget those huge, fancy hostels. They are like big factories. I spent 3 months in Peru and The Casa 667 is incomparable to any other place. Why? Because of Mabel and Yann who run this place. I met their friends, we partied together, they provided me with all information I needed. Thanks to them I could discover real, non-touristic Peru. In their house I felt so comfortable and safe. Thanks for all!! The motto of Casa 667 is “Be our roommate for a while!” and I really, really regret that I could be their roommate only for a while.
Enjoy your time in Peru but watch out! It’s so easy to fall in love with this place ☺
Rafal (Poland)

10/03/2009 : Saskia (Belgique)

Lorsque j'ai poussé la porte du 667 (et non pas 661 comme nous l'indique ce 7 mal foutu), quelle ne fut pas ma surprise d'y trouver une famille démentielle. Et en restant un mois entier parmi eux, je peux vous assurez que je les ai pratiqué... Non, ce n'est pas juste une bonne première impression. Ils SONT comme ça... C'est incroyable, tous les matins, lorsuqe je descendais, j'entendais un mélange de bonjour/hola tellement agréable pour commencer une journée. En plus, j'avais droit à un jus fraîchement pressé. A part le fait que la maison soit hyper confortable (j'avais le lit king size rien que pour moi...), j'ai eu la chance de goûter à plusieurs reprises au pisco à 500 calories de Mabel (un fierté nationale) et d'écumer les salles de concerts avec eux.
A tous ceux qui recherche un endroit chill pour passer un séjour aussi extraordinaire que fut le mien, arrêtez de chercher, le voilà tout trouvé...Ovalo Miraflores... Suivre Ricardo Palma... Une fois traversé le paseo de la Republica... Une grille bleue... Et voilà!

12/03/2009 : Antoine Bogaerts (Belgium)

Hi all,
I spent a little bit more than 10 days at the Casa 667 in Lima and must admit it has never to do with a traditional casa de hospedaje.
As it was already my fourth trip to Lima, I had the opportunity to stay in several different places; and I have to admitt that this housing was by far the best one. Most of the people arriving in Peru will stay at least a few days in the capital city before heading south or north, and as most of the flights arrive late in the night, all you need is a warm house after hours of travel. Arriving there and beeing welcomed by a real family, as Mabel and Yann can offer you, has nothing to do with any uneprsonal hostal full of backpackers. Home sweet home, even at the other side of the earth. Besides the fact that they will soon become your friends more than your hosts, they will provide you all you could need to make you stay more than perfect, Yann beeing a profesionnal in the tourism industry for years, he will therefore be able to help your for any request or advise regarding the rest of your trip. The house itself is perfectly located, 5 min walk from the Ovalo (center of Miraflores) and a few more from the Ocean. Transfer from/to the airport can be arranged in-house and delicious fresh juices and breakfast are provided. The rooms are comfortable and the cocooning atmosphere will make your stay unforgettable... Last but not least, don't hesitate toa sk for longer stays, why leaving paradise when you've found it?
Enjoy your stay, and bring some pisco back home...
Antoine Bogaerts, Belgium

09/02/2009 : Gianny (Brazil)

"...Muito obrigado por toda a atenção que foi despendida, adoramos a estadia em su casa.
Um abraço para todos..."
Gianny (Brazil)

01/02/2009 : Quentin (Belgique).

"Super accueil par Mabel, Yann et toute la famille. La maison se situe à quelques pas du centre de Miraflores dans un quartier super calme et agréable. C'est l'endroit rêvé pour passer quelques jours à Lima, grâce à leurs conseils et à l'accueil chaleureux mes premiers jours au Pérou se sont super bien passés.
On a été conquis par le petit marché situé à 100m, produits frais et tout ce qu'il faut pour se préparer de super Ceviche!!! Si vous avez de la chance, Mabel et Yann vous feront même déguster un petit Pisco Saur maison.
Encore merci pour tout et à très vite. "
Quentin (Belgique).